27 March 2020
  Sheikh Ahmad Kutty The world today faces a nearly unprecedented situation, with widespread fear in the face of the novel coronavirus which first appeared in China and has since spread to other…
14 March 2020
  Salman Al-Ouda Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: Strive for what benefits you and rely on God, and do not give up.  If something befalls you, do not say: ‘If I had only done such and…
05 March 2020
Islam is the religion of all times and places. It is a perfect system of temporal values. By practicing its laws Muslims all over the world not only attain spirituality but the pinnacle of all other…
21 February 2020
  Sheikh Sadullah Khan  Giving advice is a Quranic concept that is found at least 13 times in different places in the Quran, especially where references are made to the purpose of sending prophets…
07 December 2019
By Said Ismagilov In late XIX — early XX century, globalization processes forced Muslims to face the phenomenon of secularity that originated and matured in West-European cultural and civilizational…
11 November 2019
Imagine you had the chance to influence people and be rewarded for the things they do. Well, you do have that chance!  Are you ready to get influential? Here are some beautiful Sunnahs of the…
21 October 2019
  Seyran Aryfov Allah Almighty puts both individuals and whole peoples through various tests. Good times follow bad times, well-being is followed by tempest. As the Holy Qur’an describes it, If a…