"Whoever prays the morning prayer (fajr), is under the protection of Allah, do not neglect the rights of Allah, because anyone who acts in this way will be grasped by Allah and cast into the Fire of Hell"
Jumah Pay seeks UK rollout to help mosques and charities manage COVID-19
03 April, 2020
UK-based payment platform Jumah Pay, which enables Muslims to pay their zakat and sadaqah via their mobile phone, plans to roll out across the UK on April 6. Jumah Pay aims to help mosques and charities with shortfalls by providing cash.
Annual pilgrimage to Mecca is probably to be postponed due to coronavirus outbreak
01 April, 2020
Saudi Arabia wants Muslims to wait until there is more clarity about the coronavirus pandemic before planning to attend the annual hajj pilgrimage, the minister for hajj and umrah said on state TV on Tuesday.
Mosque in Germany joins call to prayer to raise morale amid virus lockdown
27 March, 2020
A mosque in Germany has been calling to prayer every evening while churches in the area ring their bells to raise morale amid the coronavirus lockdown since last Friday.
Scottish shop giving away virus packs with masks and hand sanitiser to pensioners in need
24 March, 2020
A SCOTS shop is delivering coronavirus “packages” to OAPs in a bid to stop the spread of the killer bug.
Kyiv Hosts International Conference on Islamic Learning in Eastern and Central Europe
29 February, 2020
Researchers from eight countries gathered on February 28-29 in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, to discuss the issues of Islamic learning in Eastern and Central Europe, as well as theory and practice of religious education.
Mosque Stabbing: London Muezzin Forgives His Attacker
25 February, 2020
Имам одной из мечетей Лондона простил злоумышленнику, который напал на него с ножом внутри мечети во время молитвы.
The Muslim Association of Britain elects its first female President
24 January, 2020
On 19th January, the Muslim Association of Britain has elected its first female president Raghad Altikriti.