29 January 2020
Idris Tawfiq
In Muslim history there are some extraordinary stories of how people have embraced Islam over the years.
Learning about how others came to Islam allows us to pause and reflect on our…
07 January 2020
In early 12th-century Muslim Spain, a gifted philosopher, mathematician, poet, and medical doctor was born. Ibn Tufayl, or Abu Bakr ibn Abd al-Malik ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Tufayl al-Qaysi, to…
01 January 2020
Idris Tawfiq
It comes as a surprise to many who are not Muslim that Mary (Maryam in Arabic), the mother of Jesus, has a very special place in Islam.
In the Quran, for example, a whole Chapter is…
06 September 2019
Amna Anwaar
"There is instruction in their stories for people of intelligence. This is not a narration that has been invented, but a confirmation of all that came before, a clarification of…
11 January 2018
Michael Arnold
Questions revolving around the nature of religious authority emerged early on in Islamic history and formed one of the central components of early Islamic theological discourse. In…