We should stress that those whom Allah has favored to perform Hajj and `Umrah should be thankful to Allah (glorified and exalted be He) Who has chosen them from among His servants to perform these acts of worship, and they should implore Almighty Allah to accept their good deeds. That is very important, for it reflects their belief that being so favored by Allah to accomplish the task of traveling to the Sacred Land to perform Hajj and `Umrah is a favor that deserves gratitude.
We also urge the pilgrims, after they return from the Sacred Land, to keep their minds and souls attached to Allah, remembering Him constantly because Almighty Allah says,
"And when ye have completed your devotions, then remember Allah as ye remember your fathers or with a more lively remembrance…" (Quran, 2:200)
In his response to your question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty states:
Hajj, as the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said in the hadith, purifies sins and makes a person like a newborn and thus closer to Allah. It is therefore important for Hajjis to try their best to preserve this pure state as best they can. Here are a few tips to help them achieve this:
- Try to be consistent in dhikr (remembrance of Allah), for dhikr helps us to come closer to the Lord and repels Satan.
- Remain steadfast in performing salah (ritual Prayers) and other religious duties.
- Read and ponder on the Qur'an on a daily basis.
- Keep company with righteous Muslims.
- Occupy time in good deeds as much as possible.
- Pray to Allah to make your heart steadfast in obeying Him in the manner of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) by using the following du`aa’ (supplication):
Allaahumma yaa muqalliba al-quloobi thabbit qalbee `alaa ta`atika.
(O Allah! You are the twister of hearts! Make my heart firm on obedience to You!).
Moreover, Sheikh Muhammad Iqbal Nadvi states:
We need to understand that Hajj is a preparation for our mission of Islam because the pilgrim starts his or her Hajj with repeating the slogan of “labayk,” which means “I am here to listen and obey.”
So the Hajj training is supposed to train us to carry this mission of Islam when we are back. Here, we recall the hadith that explains the sign of an accepted Hajj—a mabrur Hajj—that a person after Hajj becomes more caring about the Hereafter and less interested in the pleasures of this life.
Here, I can suggest the following tips for enhancing our iman (faith) after Hajj:
- Keep away from the haram (forbidden) because after Hajj a person should start a new life that is supposed to be clean.
- Carry the message of Islam by inviting people to it and showing a good example.
- Be regular in performing your daily Prayers and being committed to the mosque.
- Increase your number of good deeds and ask Allah to accept them.