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How Can Women Celebrate the Prophet’s Birthday?
How can women celebrate the Prophet’s birthday?


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 


All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger. 


Thank you for your good question. 


Respected sisters contribute greatly to the development of the Muslim communities. They should always be engaged and play leading roles within our Masjids and Islamic centers as it was the case at the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) and his Companions. 


Sisters at Masjids, homes, schools, work-places, etc., play significant roles to raise awareness about Muslim values by translating Islamic noble manners into practice.


On the occasion of the Prophet’s birthday, sisters may do awareness campaigns to introduce Islamic morals and values to their friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. 


At masjids, Sisters’ Halaqas may study the seerah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be on him) and the mothers of the believers and the female companions (may Allah be pleased with them all). 


Moreover, they may hold programs at homes for the family members to implant love of the Prophet (peace be on him) in the hearts of the kids. 


May Allah accept your and our good deeds, ameen.


Allah Almighty knows best.



