"Whoever prays the morning prayer (fajr), is under the protection of Allah, do not neglect the rights of Allah, because anyone who acts in this way will be grasped by Allah and cast into the Fire of Hell"
Son of noted late Muslim preacher shot in South Africa
17 January, 2020
Yousuf Deedat shot in head as he walked towards court in Durban, South Africa
Ukraine officially allowed Muslimahs to keep their headscarves on while taking ID photos
27 November, 2019
On 19 November, a new Decree of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, allowing ID photos with headwear due to religious beliefs and medical reasons finally came in effect.
Yusuf Islam invites Turkey’s Erdogan to attend Cambridge Mosque opening ceremony
09 November, 2019
Известный британский исполнитель Юсуф Ислам, ранее известный как Кэт Стивенс, пригласил Президента Турции Реджепа Тайипа Эрдогана на церемонию открытия мечети в Кембридже, которая запланирована на этот месяц. 
Muslim world has entered the new, 1441 hijri year!
31 August, 2019
It's the beginning of the year 1441 according to the Islamic Hijri calendar. The editorial board of “Islam.plus - Islam for all!” reminds of this date with sincere wishes of peace and Allah's mercy for all Muslims!
The Christchurch attacks survivors are finding peace in Mecca
12 August, 2019
200 people arrived in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, from Christchurch, New Zealand, last week to perform the annual Hajj pilgrimage, which began on Friday.
Welcome to Islam.plus in English!
10 August, 2019
We are happy to announce the launch of English version of the «Islam.plus — Islam for all» website, opening new horizons for interaction with wider audience.
Religion-based violence to drag more attention worldwide
02 August, 2019
The UN General Assembly has passed a resolution establishing August 22 as the “International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief.”