01 Apr, 2020
The adhan being called out in Kuwait asking people to stay at home rather than to “hurry to the prayer,” sent shockwaves throughout the Muslim ummah.
27 Mar, 2020
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The world today faces a nearly unprecedented situation, with widespread fear in the face of the novel coronavirus which first appeared in China and has since spread to other countries.
09 Mar, 2020
All of us know the uncomfortable stares. The looks that seem to pity us. People who click their tongue seeing us. The whispers. The outspoken words…
05 Mar, 2020
What do we mean by “different kinds of intimacy”?
05 Mar, 2020
There are many priceless gems of knowledge in the Qur’an and Hadith from which man can benefit immensely.
08 Feb, 2020
Unfortunately Islamophobia is only increasing in some areas, however your fears needn’t keep you from exploring Allah’s vast creation as a traveler.
06 Feb, 2020
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Если бы кто-то попросил меня перечислить основные сценарии конфликта, возникающего между родителями и их молодыми сыновьями и дочерями в связи со вступлением в брак последних, я бы разбила их на три категории.