21 September 2020
  Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.  All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.…
09 March 2020
  Claudia Aziza All of us know the uncomfortable stares. The looks that seem to pity us. People who click their tongue seeing us. The whispers. The outspoken words… And all of this because we cover…
04 February 2020
The Angel Gabriel is considered the most important of all the angels in Islam. In the Quran, the angel is called Jibreel or the Holy Spirit. The Angel Jibreel’s main responsibility is to communicate…
23 November 2019
  Teymur Atayev It’s indisputable that everyone has his/her own path to faith. God’s ways are untraceable, and so are ways of individuals to the Truth. God is the only One who knows how and when it…
21 October 2019
  Seyran Aryfov Allah Almighty puts both individuals and whole peoples through various tests. Good times follow bad times, well-being is followed by tempest. As the Holy Qur’an describes it, If a…
16 September 2019
  Claudia Azizah Sometimes we feel overwhelmed and exhausted. We are worried about the future, and what tomorrow brings. One minute we feel on the top of the world. And the next minute we are in the…
23 July 2019
  Dr. Wael Hamza Going through difficult times such as the ones we are going through as Muslims nowadays, it is quite comforting to read Allah’s promise in the Qur’an: "Indeed with the difficulty…