Increasingly among Muslims these days, one can hear about the need to follow the “middle way” (“wassatia”) in Islam. Why? The Quran says:

“We have made you a community that adheres to the middle (“ Wasatiya ”), so that you testify to all of humanity, and the Messenger testifies about yourself” (Quran, 2: 143).

Saying briefly, the concept of “Vasatiya” is not some special section of theological science, it is an order of the Creator and Lord of the Worlds for each of us, it is an internal state of the Muslims themselves. Execution of this order is our service to Allah!

07 December 2019
By Said Ismagilov In late XIX — early XX century, globalization processes forced Muslims to face the phenomenon of secularity that originated and matured in West-European cultural and civilizational…